THEY LIVE (1988) 4K
Jan 14, 2022 00:31:22
This week DJ breaks down the cult classic They Live from 1988. Is it the best HDR from a movie from the 80’s? Does it have a dynamic soundtrack? Most importantly, is it a fun Home Theater Experience?
DJ has his opinions
Push Play and see/hear for yourself.
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🍿They Live 4K🍿
- Opening
- 4:05 In the Park
- 8:02 Cars
- 12:20 3D Sound
- 22:40 MORE 3D Sound
- 35:50 Sleep 🍿
- 42:16 Get Away 🍿🍿
- 56:00 Put On These Glasses 🍿🍿🍿
- 1:01:57 A Little Swelling
- 1:13:38 RAID
- 1:16:02 Watch Malfunction watchThethe Watch
- 1:22:05 The Tour
- 1:29:10 F@$% It
🍿Thanks to:
Theme Music by Jeff Bernheart/Throne Vault Productions.
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