Jan 09, 2017    01:51:02


Ronnie's (@ronbar316) work schedule is keeping him pretty booked, so Aaron (@aaronsbell) has recruited the Nerdy Legion gang to fill in.  Martin (@geekvine) and Nick (@nickwetmore) join in to discuss all the main DC Rebirth topics of the past week - Marvel digital codes, how do you age while time travelling, and All-Star Superman.  There's also a chance they talk about how great Aquaman keeps being, how much better Nightwing has been since the move the Bludhaven, how having 3 artists on Green Arrow makes Aaron something something, and how Superman hasn't had a slip up yet.

You can contact the show directly at or @NLRebirthically (and you can also harass martin and nick at their show's twitter @nerdylegion)

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