Lots of fun this week!
So much fun it’s a TWO-PART EPISODE!!
And we even brought in Jeff from HD Report to help really flesh out all the great details! Tons of Listener Experiences, Fun tweaks, a bunch of NEW 4K releases coming Tuesday and a burning question: Is Lord of the Rings - Return of the King still a reference disc?
We check out both the 4k Blu-ray and Kaleidescape!!
Bright Side Home Theater with the support of all their Patrons will be donating $100 to the American Heart Association!
If you would like to donate directly, please click here
2:33 - New 4K Releases Coming August 30th
5:07 - Their Favorite Home Theater Experiences over the past week
31:08 - This Weeks Featured Home Theater Experience with Jeff from HD Report
Lord of the Rings: Return of the KIng
Blu-ray & Kaleidescape
Is it still a Disc to Rule All Discs?
Is this a MUST OWN?
All that and so much more!
“If you can’t laugh while talking Home Theater, you’re doing something wrong.”
Push Play and hear for yourself.