What Did You Watch This Week

“What Did You Watch This Week?” is a weekly podcast were your hosts talk about the televisions shows, movies, and trailers that they watched this week. This encompasses not only new shows or movies but past favorites and re-runs they may have watched or even short runs series you can only find on Netflix, HULU or DVD.

What Did You Watch This Week is hosted by Michael Labbe and John Spier and produced by John Spier. Get in touch with us by sending us an e-mail.

What Did You Watch This Week has released 393 episodes since launching on Mar 03, 2016

Another week, another episode where the guys talk about movies and shows they had feelings about.  In this episode, we cover the 99th and 100th episode of Person of Interest and gush about how great of a show it is, as well as yawning thru most of Game of Thrones and comparing notes on the first episode of The Path (Which one of us didn't like...)

Throw in some movie and documentary reviews and John giving the broad strokes of Preacher to convince Mike to finally watch it, and you've got yourself the most recent episode of What Did You Watch This Week!

This week the boys are in rare form as they manage to take a list of only about 7 or 8 shows, and still fill over an hour with banter (including half of a random tangent about revealing the fabrication that is the Easter Bunny to a child and crushing their spirit.)  The big ones this week are the sub-par finale of Flash (and what the twist ending could mean for the future of the CW shows) and the finale of Arrow that has at least one of our hosts seeing red, not green!  All this plus Ash vs Evil Dead finally makes it to the show (on a fittingly named episode no less!)

Better late than never!  Your favorite armchair cinema viewers are back to rant and rave about everything they watched for the past week, including the season finale of Legends of Tomorrow, the series finale of Castle, and what happened in the penultimate episodes of Arrow and Flash!  (Hint:  Not much good!)  We also dive into a slew of new shows and trailers for the fall season and speculations on where things can go now for SHIELD!  All this and much more on a stuffed to the gills episode of What Did You Watch this Week!

Your friendly neighborhood watchers are back in action this week for their milestone 10th episode!  Come listen to the guys wax intellectual about the mysteries of time travel done wrong in Legends of Tomorrow, and explode over this week's episode of Arrow (pun most definitely intended!)  The shows may be winding down, but your hosts are still wound up about cancellations, twists, turns, and those who rise from the dead!  All this plus some trailer reviews and a new show we're quite excited for this fall, on this week's episode of What Did You Watch This Week!

This week was a thinner week for shows as John was busy and Mike had the hammer dropped on his late night on-duty binge sessions, but never fear loyal listener:  We just decided to go deeper into the shows we did watch! Come listen to us groan through Legends of Tomorrow, bemoan the apparent transformation of Damien Darhk from Mystical Manipulator to Bond Villain, and laugh out loud as a Giant on Game of Thrones helps to paint Castle Black a lighter shade.  All this and more, including another hard push from John await in the 9th episode of What Did you Watch this Week!

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