What Did You Watch This Week

“What Did You Watch This Week?” is a weekly podcast were your hosts talk about the televisions shows, movies, and trailers that they watched this week. This encompasses not only new shows or movies but past favorites and re-runs they may have watched or even short runs series you can only find on Netflix, HULU or DVD.

What Did You Watch This Week is hosted by Michael Labbe and John Spier and produced by John Spier. Get in touch with us by sending us an e-mail.

What Did You Watch This Week has released 393 episodes since launching on Mar 03, 2016

On the latest and greatest (debatable) episode of What Did You Watch This Week, comes the moment prophesized many weeks ago:  The guys with the mouths sat down together and watched Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition.  Hear what they have to say now that they shared this 3 hour experience, and find out if their minds have been changed now that they watched this film for themselves.  In addition, Mike talks to us about a remake of John's only ever "Hated" movie, and John reports on some films he saw at the Maine International Film Festival.  All this plus Limitless and more on this exciting episode of our show.

On this week's light but right episode of What did you Watch this Week, the guys spend a good deal of time dissecting and musing about that amazing final for this season of Game of Thrones, and ponder what this will mean in the long term next season. In addition, your hosts discover another happy coincidence of mutual love of a show, and in a shocking twist, John pitches a documentary to Mike! All this plus more on the most recent episode of What did you Watch this Week.

On another exciting episode of What Did You Watch this Week, the boys who make the noise talk the pure joy that was the Battle of the Bastards, and what that means for the now vacant seat as biggest jerk in the series.  Additionally, the guys discuss the final two episodes of Person of Interest (including the amazing scoring in the finale) and Mike has finally watched the first 2 episodes of Preacher, so there is a lot to discuss and laugh about there!  All this plus John's review of the double feature of Independence Day and Resurgence on a fun-filled episode of WDYWTW?

Welcome back to another fun filled episode of our podcast!  The summer doldrums are affecting the number of shows available, but never fear, the boys still have plenty to talk about.  Game of Thrones brought the slow build again, and Mike is excited about the premiere of Hell on Wheels after its hiatus.  John checked out the new political/invasion of the body snatchers "Brain Dead" so you don't have to, and the guys discuss the finer points of parody comedy.  All this and more, so give it a listen and let your ears thank you later!

This week's word-packed episode of your favorite couch-potato themed podcast finds the guys delving (a little too deep) into the psychology of cultism and it's detrimental effects on the enjoyment of Mike when he watches The Path, as well as glowing praise for the latest (third from last) episode of Person of Interest. You'll also find Mike selling us on an upcoming documentary about video games (One of John's favorite topics) and John gives you his honest thoughts on the rebooted Voltron series now on Netflix. There so much to hear, you're gonna need an extra set of ears!

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