Kow Cast

The one and only place to get all the info you want on the happenings of Kowabunga Comics! With an eye to everything pop culture, you never know what we are going to talk about. For more information on us, head over to www.kowabungacomics.com

Kow Cast is hosted by Kowabunga Comics and produced by Kowabunga Comics. Get in touch with us via Twitter, @incredicow, by sending us an e-mail.

Kow Cast has released 44 episodes since launching on Apr 04, 2016

Eric and James spend this episode focusing on a re-cap of the World’s Smallest Comic Con, handling creators, and that little thing called Marvel Legacy.  Join the guys as they talk shop about what has been happening at Kowabunga!

Join James and Eric as we talk about ordering, distribution, profit margins, and more of various non-comic products.  Everything from Funko Pops! and their chase variants, action figure companies like NECA, miniatures like Warhammer, and even card gaming with Pokemon and Magic: The Gathering.

First of a weekly series (thanks James) that features the guys talking about what types of back issues sell the best. Is it an era, publisher, character? Also with the advent of DC Dark Nights Eric and James dive into new character creation versus old characters being underutilized.  In addition there is an audio clip from the Dennis Miller show featuring Rob Liefeld!

Eric and James return with a new episode to talk about reception of Secret Empire, Metal, and Legacy.  Which books are selling well in the shop, why is it, and what do we have to look forward to?  Additionally, we have received some questions about what we take to local comic shows, and how the whole dealer/vendor thing works.  Join us, as we break down some of the pieces to how we attend shows, what type of stock we carry, and a few tricks for prepping and dealing!

James and Eric did one of their semi-annual shop crawls to look at what other stores in the area are doing.  As they drove along, it was determined that there are many different ways of operating a comic based store. Is one way better than another?  What are the concerns of operating in a specific way? Join the guys as they talk about the good, the not so good, and the concerning!

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