Kow Cast

The one and only place to get all the info you want on the happenings of Kowabunga Comics! With an eye to everything pop culture, you never know what we are going to talk about. For more information on us, head over to www.kowabungacomics.com

Kow Cast is hosted by Kowabunga Comics and produced by Kowabunga Comics. Get in touch with us via Twitter, @incredicow, by sending us an e-mail.

Kow Cast has released 44 episodes since launching on Apr 04, 2016

James and Eric did one of their semi-annual shop crawls to look at what other stores in the area are doing.  As they drove along, it was determined that there are many different ways of operating a comic based store. Is one way better than another?  What are the concerns of operating in a specific way? Join the guys as they talk about the good, the not so good, and the concerning!

James and Eric hit the airwaves to talk about variants.  Tiered variants, open to order variants, and direct priced variants, which is better? We go deep on analogies, examples, and primary versus secondary sales on variant covers.  Finally we top it off with some discussion about why Marvel does so many variants and tiers.

Join James and Eric, as they discuss a question from listener Sam regarding promotional timing.  Is two months or more a hindrance to success?  Is the content being promoted forgotten by the time it arrives? Then the guys talk about Chuck Rozanski’s decision to pull the plug on Mile High Comics vending at San Diego Comic Con.

A listener question sent over from our friends Drew and Kyle at the Comics for Fun and Profit podcast has us talking eBay.  Why are sales flat? Why do things go so cheap? What’s going on?!  Hold on tight as we answer these questions, and provide some eBay insight, as well as some handy tips and tricks to potentially make your listings and sales more successful.

In this first ever Road Reviews episode, Eric talks about a number of shops he visited while traveling to New Hampshire and New York City.  Traveling around is a passion for both James and Eric.  Almost as important is stopping at comic shops along the way. In this new series of episodes, the guys will review the locations they see, and provide their thoughts.  No ratings or comparisons, just straight up feedback!

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