What Did You Watch This Week is hosted by Michael Labbe and John Spier and produced by John Spier. Get in touch with us by sending us an e-mail.
What Did You Watch This Week has released 409 episodes since launching on Mar 03, 2016
Welcome back loyal viewers, to another fun filled and excitingly action packed episode of the podcast the brings all the boys to the yard! On this week's episode, the guys who never wear ties have both binged all of Iron Fist and are ready to give you their thoughts, their feelings, and their review! As always, this comes with a heavy spoiler warning, but if you've checked it out already or may be on the fence, you should be happy to dig right in. In addition, the musical episode of Flash/Supergirl is talked about, Mike comes up with a new phrase to describe his viewing of another "beloved" CW show, and John makes 2 hard pushes for Mike, one of which elicits some under-the-breath cursing? You'll just have to tune in to find out why!
Another week, another session of ear therapy from your two favorite discussers of all things TV, movie, and entertainment generalities! On this thrilling episode, Mike and John clash violently over some of the shows they viewed this week, including a rousing discussion of benevolence vs deviance and how much it should affect the arc of a character's transgressions once the shift in tone has been revealed to the audience vs the other characters in the show. Also, we find ourselves split going into the finale of This is Us between #teamdeaddad and #teamlivedad and the gloves are coming off! Add in some fun facts, some light-hearted jests, and a few poignant revelations, and you've got yourselves the latest episode of What did you Watch this Week!
Welcome to the 52nd episode of the top notch, ready for prime time, had all its shots, podcast featuring two highly unqualified critics of screens both large and small! On the unofficial 1 year episode-iversary, the guys take a harder look at the shows they have been covering for the past year, and really take the gloves off on a few of them. It may have been a light week, but that won't stop them from cutting down into Legends and Flash to expose the succulent meaty cores of these slabs of ham-fisted entertainment, as well as carving off some chunks of Lethal Weapon and a report on the latest Chicago show from Dick Wolf. We laugh, we cry, we even learn a few things by the end, so come along and join us on this raucous ride that we call "What did You Watch this Week?"
One a tumultuous and irreverent episode of the podcast you've come to know and love, your hosts with the mosts go out of their way to explain the pros and cons of the varied titles they watched this week. Like every other episode. Since the show began. But now with technical issues! Listen and enjoy as the guys rip apart what should have been some great CW superhero shows, go in depth to the final 2 episodes of Emerald City (and what they think about the show overall) and then dig into some odd and not so odd movies that may or may not have been on your radar, dear viewers. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll wonder where the time went as you listen to the final episode before the 1 year anniversary of what Bill down the hall has come to call "That radio show about TV and sh*t"
This week on What Did You Watch This Week (that felt awkward to write) the guys with those voices you listen to dive deep into their viewing history form the previous 7 days and come up with a few nuggets of treasure. Not gonna lie, the discussions get a little hot and angry surrounding the past few episodes of half of the DC TV lineup (with very little love for one of their favorites this week!) but the boys' heads cool down significantly when talking about one of the more heart wrenching episodes of This is Us they have aired yet. Throw in talks of an awesome Superstore, a few great renewal notices, and even some Oscar shop talk, and you'll find one helluva good episode of the academy-snubbed podcast you've come to know and love!